Friday 23 May 2014

The preggo diary. Week 29

So I haven't been all that inspired to write much in the way of all things pregnancy lately,  but now I'm in my third trimester and it's the hot topic on everyone's lips at the moment,  I thought I would share.

As I said in my last post, people are now actually starting to ask me if I am pregnant and wow how many weeks etc etc. It is a nice feeling, but at the same time the bigger you get, the more people want to talk about it. It's as if your business and pregnancy is now public property.  Ironic I know, as here I am blogging about it. I do find it funny though. It's a good job I am pretty easy going about it because some people mind being asked if their pregnancy was planned (something even my family didn't ask me!) or what the sex of the baby is (and their opinion that you HAVE to keep it a surprise/ find out IMMEDIATELY/ insert stupid forceful opinion here).

I work in a pub, so obviously I talk to people alot, and customers get curious, so I take it in my stride. Luckily nobody that isn't my family or friends have felt the need to touch my belly (invited or not) yet. Luckier still nobody has told me "gosh you are big/small/low/all in the back/all in the front" in comparison to dates and other pregnant women they may know. Ok, apart from my gran. She says I am carrying all "hippy" and that I MUST be having a boy because my ass is huge. But thats fine because I know my bum is pretty large at the moment,  and I know she means it affectionately.  God help the first stranger to tell me something like that though.

I think I have escaped the worst of it though, I don't know if I just haven't come across anyone that rude or nosy yet, or maybe my style is just intimidating!  I was once told by someone I went to school with that he was intimidated by me because I was "that scary goth girl that hates everyone" !! So maybe that still stands ;) I think I am quite a happy person in general, so it must just be the fashion sense!

I will leave you with this belly photo, at bang on 29 weeks.

As you can see I am getting very round now. Sometimes I catch sight of my reflection in a shop window or something and double take at the apparent football stuffed under my tshirt. I don't think I was prepared to be getting this big. I just didn't think I would really grow that much (I know this sounds really stupid as I still have 11 weeks to go, OBVIOUSLY I am going to get much bigger than this) I thought "no, that won't happen to me surely" duuuhhh! Stupid Lexi.

Until next week folks!

Friday 9 May 2014

27 weeks pregnant + funky tshirt belly photos

I really don't know where the time is even going at the moment.... 27 weeks has come around fast! Yesterday marked three calendar months until my due date, although I actually have 13 weeks to go. I will also be going on maternity leave at the end of the month, and I am glad I made the decision to start this early. Work has been very tiring lately, and I'm struggling with my back and sciatica problems. Incidentally, they only play up very badly when I'm actually at work!

But in all seriousness,  I am too large to be working behind a busy bar these days. Last night I had my second falling incident this month when I tripped over my poor supervisor, landed on him ass first, and in the process threw half a bowl of water over him. Luckily we are friends and it was actually very funny. My sense of gravity just doesn't know where it is anymore, the slightest uncertainty and I end up on my huge pregnant ass. Good job I'm pretty padded there!

Enough of the boring stuff, have some belly photos of me in my cute new top that my other half bought for me!

As you can see, I'm getting rather large these days. People are actually beginning to ask me if / when I am expecting now, which is awesome because at least I know they aren't secretly wondering if I'm just fat!! Belly does get in the way rather much though, I feel like I can never really hug anyone anymore! And any time someone accidentally touches or bumps against my stomach they freak out as if they may have just sent me into premature labour. Which is quite amusing after all the 'HONESTLY. I'm fine. You barely touched me. No those aren't my waters on the floor.' Because it pretty much happens constantly.

All in all, can't wait to not be working anymore! Although I know I will be VERY bored,  on the plus side I might actually blog a bit more often!

Friday 2 May 2014

Goth maternity wear: key pieces make great outfits

So, by far the easiest way to build up a decent wardrobe of any style or season is by finding key pieces that will take you through a variety of different looks. This is especially true for maternity wear, even more so for those of us with distinct and unusual tastes in fashion.

Personally, because of my job I have to wear plainish black clothes that are stretchy and not fussy, meaning alot of leggings and vests are involved. But I also really like leggings. Like I said before, a legging fetish of sorts. So my first two staple pieces are maternity leggings, always available in black, but look out for cool patterns in maternity sizes too, and long vests. Long vests are great because you don't have to search (often in vain) for decent maternity vests to suit you, and if you find ones long enough to cover your bum more the better as you can pair with leggings.

Black maternity leggings and a long vest, with a pink polka dotted blouse (non maternity, worn open) to jazz it up a bit. Black wedge trainers for the smart casual look.

Lots of people also love maternity jeans, and there are lots of colours and styles available on the internet these days. I myself can't stand wearing jeans and haven't for years, I find it difficult to find styles that are both flattering and comfy (and gothy. Haha) so I can't imagine anything worse than wearing jeans whilst pregnant.

My next staple is oversized band tshirts. I haven't stopped wearing my mens XL Type O Negative shirt since I bought it, obviously you can see how I modified it slightly, as the sleeves were too long and I like a lower neckline than your average tshirt. Best paired with comfy maternity leggings, by far the best way to hold onto your non-mummy self and still look good ;)

You can also buy maternity tights, with the same over the bump style as leggings, but personally I find them very restricting as I have very long legs so they can be ill-fitting. I much prefer fishnet tights or others in a similar knitted or woven holey style. They are suitably gothy and because of all the holes they are incredibly stretchy.  They are the comfiest kind of tights,  pregnant or not, even with the bump I can pull them all the way up to my bra! I tend to pair these with stretchy skirts of various lengths and styles, just make sure they are quite elastic, and large. H&M do some good ones in their basics range that are fairly short with an elastic waist (worn on the hips under the bump hence the largeness).

Its also good to have some comfy flat shoes. I practically live in plain black skate shoes most of the time, they are my go to shoes. But Iron Fist make some wonderful flat dolly shoes in a PVC material,  meaning they stretch and mould to your feet and are soo comfortable.  They also have GORGEOUS designs.  I just ordered a pair online ready for summer and can't wait until they arrive.

The summer is approaching fast, so I will have to make another of these maternity clothing posts suitable for warmer weather. Of course, most of these items I have mentioned can be layered or adapted for any season. More outfit posts coming soon ;)